In a recent media interview, popular actress Shanthi Krishna said that, in Mollywood she respects Mohanlal the most and still she calls him Lalji out of her great respect for him. Many people calls him Lalettan, Lal Sir etc out of love and respect and Kaviyoor Ponnama calls him Lalu as he is like a son to her.
But Shanti Krishna says that she may be the only one from here in Mollywood, who calls him Lalji as she respects and admire him a lot. She says that Mohanlal, Mammootty, Poornnima Bhagyaraj and she herself had become active here in Mollywood almost at the same time. From this group only Mohanlal had gone on to reach greater heights and become an actor who is considered as one of the best in the world and the greatest in this country. He is still the biggest super star in Mollywood as well.Shanti Krishna played the female lead of Mohanlal in the movie named Vishnu Lokam. She had acted with him in movies like Chenkol, Pingami, Mayamayooram, Gandharvam, Kelkkatha Shabdam etc as well.
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